Услуга страхования риска

Услуга страхования риска

Услуга страхования риска Все водители, которые едут на наших хобби-ралли автомобилях, должны подписать декларацию об ответственности. Водитель не несет ответственности за механические поломки. В случае механической поломки автомобиля инструкторы заменяют его, и клиент...
Declaration of liability for clients renting the rally track

Declaration of liability for clients renting the rally track

I have came to LaitseRallyPark* race arena of my own accord and voluntarily; I am not under the influence of alcoholic or narcotic substances. I will not use alcoholic or narcotic substances before operating the automobile on the race arena nor during the stay on the...
Declaration of liability for hobby kart drivers

Declaration of liability for hobby kart drivers

I have came to LaitseRallyPark* voluntarily; I am not under the influence of alcoholic or narcotic substances. I will not use alcoholic or narcotic substances before operating the go-kart on the track; My health condition and driving skills enable safe use and...
What to keep in mind when visiting unic car exhibition

What to keep in mind when visiting unic car exhibition

Unic cars are often older than the crowd that admires them. 1. Treat unic cars like they are a precious member of your family. 2. The restorer has put hundreds, even thousands of hours into their vehicle. Respect their work and dedication. 3. Ask permission to get...
Internal rules when visiting LaitseRallyPark

Internal rules when visiting LaitseRallyPark

LaitseRallyPark wants to offer enjoyable, exciting and safe entertainment, but please be aware before making a booking that motorsport can inherently pose a risk to the life, health and property of both drivers and spectators. Therefore, we have prepared the following...